Planes Using Hamilton Standard 6353A-18 Propeller

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Jul 9, 2013
I'm trying to compile a list of planes the Hamilton Standard 6353A-18 propeller was used on. Below is a list I have put together from varies websites. Any help adding to this list or validating those on the list is appreciated.

Hi Fromtheashes82, 6353A-18 is a propeller blade part number, the propeller that these blades were fitted to was commonly the 23E50 'Hydromatic' propeller - fitted to the aircraft you've listed (and then some). 'Hydromatic' was a Hamilton Standard patent brand name and describes the action of using differential oil pressure to change the blade angle. I hope this helps.
One place to check would be UTC Aircraft Systems; try their public relations office. A second would be New England Air Museum. It's not far from UTC Aircraft Systems' office/plant in Windsor Locks, and many of the volunteers are probably HSD retirees and have contacts within the company. When I worked at Hamilton Standard (I was laid off in 1993, after about 90% of the new-product business for commercial propellers went away), we were still supporting the propellers for the radial-engined DC-3.

What you are listing is a blade part number. The hub that was used on the C-47(DC-3) was a 23E50, blades 6153-18. Are you looking for aircraft that just used those blades or the blades and hub together?
All thanks for your help...this is all great stuff. Swampyankee sorry to hear HS let you go even if it was 20 years ago....their loss!

FLYBOYJ - I'm just looking for the different aircraft the 6353-18 blade could be used on.

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