Pong's custom aircraft profiles

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Staff Sergeant
Sep 2, 2007
Manila, Philippines
Well this is my first attempt at making an aircraft profile in Photoshop.

F4U-1A of VF-17.

Only one for now, but there will be more later!

nice, exactly how the Corsair thats local to me looks except ours has a small pic of an angry donald duck on it!!! and doesn't have the carrier arrest hook still very nice bring on some more!!
Thanks for the positive comments. I'm currently making a P-51B (Malcolm hood) with the colors of the 357th FG. Still, I'm trying out some weathering but no success so far.
Hi, Pong. I haven't much experience with Photoshop, but I use Corel Photopaint 9 for my profiles., which is slightly similar. For weathering, depending on the desired result, I use the 'coloured pencil' and the fine airbrush, using lighter shades of the base colour etc. Fine 'paint chips' etc can be done with the fine HB pencil. Give it a try and see what you think.
Great idea, Erich. The combination of blue and 'NMF' is a good contrast, and helps build the experience of 'light and shade', and, of course, reflections.

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