Practical Flying RAF Manual 1918

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Sep 19, 2006
I don't know if this one has been posted before or maybe a lot of people already have a copy of this. But for the ones that don't, I'll post the manual "Practical Flying", written by Flight commander McMinnies in 1918, it was an RAF manual for rookie pilots.


  • Practical Flying.pdf
    25.6 MB · Views: 882
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What can you tell me about this book. I have what looks like an original copy published 1918. The outside cover however has an authors name of Robert Street. The title page doesn't mention "RAF Manual". It has an introduction by Gen. W.S. Brancker, and the intorductions is stamped with his signature. The inside cover has what I would assume is the book owners signature; Bogart Rodgers.

PS I just searched on line and this book may be signed by Bogart Rodgers. It is signed on the inside cover and the first page.

Thank you,

What can you tell me about this book. I have what looks like an original copy published 1918. The outside cover however has an authors name of Robert Street. The title page doesn't mention "RAF Manual". It has an introduction by Gen. W.S. Brancker, and the intorductions is stamped with his signature. The inside cover has what I would assume is the book owners signature; Bogart Rodgers.

PS I just searched on line and this book may be signed by Bogart Rodgers. It is signed on the inside cover and the first page.

Thank you,

That's interesting, so you have a version with another author? Is it really the same book?
This one has as you can see also an introduction by General Brancker, so it appears to be the same. On the title page (page 1) you can see the text:
Flight-commander W.G.McMinnies RN
Actually this one has been published before the creation of the RAF, so I stated wrongly that it was an handbook for the RAF as it didn't exist.

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