Precision Drill

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as ex AF I guess my excuse is thats why they have Army guys

Bingo! Tell him what he has won!
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The big mistake we made was on our first ever march past we nailed it. Other instructors came over and congratulated ours an the achievement and he lapped it up. As you might expect it was something we were never able to do again and he went nuts. The hours we spent trying to do it again.
I had to go thru basic training twice, had more than my fill of drill.

I was in the Air Force first, since I was going into a combat arm in the Army they considered I was ignorant of any combat skills, plus I had been out over 6 months. So I went thru Army basic as a Pfc.

I was on a burial detail for 4-5 months in Texas, we took care of a lot of Army funerals in the Dallas- Ft. Worth area in the summer of 1970, so I see a need for the precision and ceremony, and could do it when it was needed.

It just a left over tradition from the way battles were conducted 200 years ago, and we all know how the military loves it's traditions.
Espirit de corps ?? All of use enlisted men knew that was just a code word for, look happy, and look squared away.
" WE love it here, we love it here, you're f---ing A we love it here. "

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