Project underway to acquire Australian Built Mk20 P-51 Mustang

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Apr 24, 2011
Hi everyone

We have been offered a rare (ie probably the only time it will happen) chance to acquire a CAC built Australian Mk20 Mustang - A68-71. It is the oldest surviving one left in Australia (there are two others both having been exported to the USA)

Anyway we have a task ahead in raising funds to acquire it, finish assembly and have it back to ground running status. We had such success with the crowdfunding campaign last year on the Beaufort we thought we should do it again as part of Project Mustang.

If you are able please help or share along with those who may be into this

Project Mustang by Australian National Aviation Museum

Ewan McArthur
Australian National Aviation Museum
Not too bad at all - $11K in a week is a fantastic result.

We have also started a crowdfunding run on Pozible Project Mustang by Australian National Aviation Museum

Worth a mention too that $5 USD is more than $6.30 AUD so even if you are donating just $5 then we will hit our target faster as we are in AUD.

Please let all the Mustang lovers of the world know :)

So 20 days left of crowdfunding and we have just added an extra reward level - there are two left - $300 - includes all of the $200 pledge and the extra bonus on this is a SIGNED copy of Cam Care's excellent book THE 'STANG. The definitive book on Mustangs in the RAAF and beyond.

The funding project is in AUD so if contributing from overseas it actually works out cheaper - ie $5AUD is about $4.20 :) Almost over the line now

Please share and let's get this over the line - Project Mustang by Australian National Aviation Museum
Amazingly we have basically raised all but $10,000 of the $250,000 in the last 10 months which is a fantastic outcome, and adds to what has been an incredible year for the Museum with the arrival of a GAF Canberra and GAF Nomad along with a CAC CA-36 Pazmany PL-4.

Still need a few more $$ to help us over the line though - started a new source on GoFundMe which is the next stage of the project - training up youth and disadvantaged in aircraft manufacturing skills and restoration techniques. We use a lot of the original equipment rather than CAD which is great in its own right as it is very hands on and builds a great set of skills.

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