Thanks for the sets of numbers
The problem with 'Start und Notleistung' rating (1,42 ata and 2800 rpm) is that such thing is of almost no value for the bomber job - it's one minute rating IIRC. The more realistic value should be the 'Climb and combat' power setting (1,30 ata 2600 rpm), a 30-minute rating, worth some 1050 HP for the DB-605A at 7000 m (= 22600), or some 4200 HP for the He-177 with DB-610. Sure enough, if your mission is 5 hour long one...
The turbo R-1830 (historical type, for B-24s), has 'Max continuous' (= as long the fuel oil last) setting providing 1100 HP, making 4400 HP total.