R2800-CB3 plugs

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Oct 15, 2007
Fresno, CA
Part A)
I'm running a Pratt Whitney R2800-CB3 using Champion RHB37E plugs. I need a source of new plugs, and I want to know who's good.

Part B)
What's the little [E] after the number on the plug? I guess the Champion part number really is RHB37E-[E].
For a more complete description, the [E] is actually in a complete square the same size as the numbers, and the E is very small inside the box.
When I looked at my parts list, there is a list of several plugs. I don't see any indication which plugs go with which exact model engines, and I don't see this plug in the list. ???
The repair manual for (says R-2800-CB on the cover) and the parts catalog (R-2800-CA/CB) were picked up from somebody online I think; they didn't come with the engine. The engine nameplate says R2800-CB3.
It has been running this way since our company acquired the engine I'm sure, just replacing the existing plugs with matching ones. Right? Wrong?
RHB37E Champion aircraft spark plug

R means Resistor
H means shielded 3/4-20 thread all weather plug
B means 18 mm, 13/16ths reach, hex size 7/8 inch
37 means heat rating 50 is hot, 26 is cold
E means electrode design E is 2 electrode massive.
The 'Type Certificate Sheet' lists useable plugs.


resurrecting this old thread...
I am forced to abuse this engine regularly. Used only for generating wind during a test, after warm-up, the RPM during a test is almost always around 1600 (once it was 2000), and then I have to shut 'er down. Of course this is never at altitude. Since startup is generally a rich-running condition, (tend to foul plugs, no?) and there's hardly time to get up to operating temps, is there a 'better' plug choice taht might be more tolerant to rich conditions? Heck, when it's hot out I intentionally run rich to aid cooling.
I was running a mix of 2-wire plugs, 2-electrode massives, and 4-electrode massives. I have almost a whole batch of fresh 2-electrode massives going in now. And after a good cleaning, she should run cooler. I will be trying not to run so rich.

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