R2800 Master Rod locations

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Jul 8, 2022
Might anyone know where I could find an overhaul, parts, maintenance, and service manual for the R2800 - and/or, frankly, any P&W documents? I did find the MM for the CA, but that seemed a bit light.

The reason I ask is I read a paper written about R2800 vibrations (I'll post, it's a fascinating read), and it talks about master rod placement at 0, 90, and 180 degrees, and how a particular configuration can remove either 1st or 2nd order vibration. So, I was curious what cylinders the rods were placed and searched (I do love research, if I could make a living at it - sign me up) but thus far have come up empty. This surprised me, I thought it'd have been a relatively easy find; at least, though, the hunt has uncovered vast troves of documentation and information for me - including this fabulous forum, which has been very easy to get lost in!

While hunting, I did the same lookup for the 1830 and found the answer (cylinders 5 & 12) in short order, but the same technique on the R2800 has been fruitless.
R-2800 A and B series engines had master rods in cylinders 8 and 13. R-2800 C, D, and E series engines had master rods in cylinders 8 and 9. An in-depth discussion of this appears in the "No Short Days" article at Piston Engines
That is great, thank you for your help! That is actually the article I was reading, but I stopped to find the mr locations after finishing part2, Technical Background. I see the answer is in part3, sigh. At least I can finish it now.
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