R2800 Mounts.

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Dec 12, 2021
Hi, I am looking for the mounts that go between the Pratt Whitney R-2800 to the engine mount rig on a work stand. Ring holes and mount are in the photos. Just one came with the engine. Lent it to someone for a reference and never seen it again so I don't even have a photo. Tanks very much.


  • 20211217_143803.jpg
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  • 20211217_143810.jpg
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Its this guy. hope you can zoom big enough. It bolts to the ring with two bolts and a large bolt through the mount on the engine. thanks scott


  • engine mount.PNG
    16.5 KB · Views: 43
I see, that would mount to the piece i am talking about. Missing a lot then. I would love to find a engine mount and make a stand using it.. Aero Trader has cut b25 engine mounts that they said would fit, but i never pursued them as it would have been a hell of a ship. even then.

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