RCM vac kits?

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Staff Sergeant
Mar 18, 2009
St Joseph, Missouri
Has anybody out there built any of the RCM vac kits? I've got my eye on the 1/48: Fairchild FC-71, Lockheed Hudson and Sikorsky S-39. I've got some experience with vac kits, so that's not an issue. Just curious about: plastic detail, decals, metal/resin parts etc.
I haven't built one, or even seen one. But, I have seen a review and pic of the 1/48th scale Hudson. From what I remember, it got a good review, and certainly looked nice in the pic,finished in the 'white' RAF Coastal Command scheme, although the pic was a bit small to see fine detail. If I can find the review, I'll let you know. (If I still have the magazine that is!).

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