Renault 12S (Argus 411)

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Luft Bier

Jul 8, 2018
West Central Georgia
Hello all,
I've taken a maintenance manual from Renault now (SNECMA) regarding their 12S, which is a licensed built version of the Argus 411. The Argus 411 was an improved version of the Argus 410 which was used on the Arado 96, Focke Wulf 189 among others. In any case, the manual is originally in French and I've translated some of the manual. I hope everyone likes it.


  • Renault (SNECMA) 12 S_Argus AS 411.pdf
    792.6 KB · Views: 328

Many thanks - not an engine I was interested in until I saw this as a new post an did a quick look.
Nice clear diagrams and clear labelling both by the French and by you
Many thanks - not an engine I was interested in until I saw this as a new post an did a quick look.
Nice clear diagrams and clear labelling both by the French and by you
Thanks, I'm currently working on a document similar to this that compared leading particulars between this engine and the Ranger V-770 which has the same layout; air--cooled inverted v engine. More to come!

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