Request help identifying type of Bomber aircraft

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Nov 15, 2016
Hello from Athens/Greece,
I found this drawing on the net and I am extremely curious what type of bomber aircraft is this.
Does anyone have any idea about that?
Unknown bomber Aircraft.jpg
Spyros, check the drawings below (Bristol Blenheim I) and I'm sure you will spot without using a magnifier the differences and the thicker and darker lines of the "new design" in the first drawing you posted:

Beware the fake information!
You have stepped into an alternate reality where the world as we know it is drastically different than the one we all know historically. This is Wesworld, a warship sim envolving fleets of various historical and fictional country's begining in the year 1921. Affectionatly named Wesworld by some wiseguy in the sim after the man who started it all (me) with help from others like Hooman and Pengolodh_sc who had the idea of creating and designing a fleet and putting it in a world where it would be influenced by other fleets.
The players all have to abide by the Treaty of Cleito, a treaty created by all nations to prevent an arms race that led to WW1. The nations involved are: Atlantis (yes the mythical island still exists!), Britain, The South African Empire, the United States ,the Russian Federation, Nordmark, France, Italy, Germany, Greece, India, Japan, Iberia and Austrailia and others.
P.S. BTW WesWorld is not a forum about real planes.;););)
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