S-23A specification for XP-67?

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Airman 1st Class
Dec 11, 2020
There are a number of places online that show Preliminary Specification S-23A for the XP-67 aircraft, dated 5 May 1941, but the aircraft's Final Report says that changes were made to its contents for the final release version dated 20 July 1942. I've looked everywhere I can think of with no luck at all. Does anyone have a copy of that 1942 version? It seems strange that the preliminary is so readily available but the authoritative specifications are nowhere to be found.
There are a number of places online that show Preliminary Specification S-23A for the XP-67 aircraft, dated 5 May 1941, but the aircraft's Final Report says that changes were made to its contents for the final release version dated 20 July 1942. I've looked everywhere I can think of with no luck at all. Does anyone have a copy of that 1942 version? It seems strange that the preliminary is so readily available but the authoritative specifications are nowhere to be found.
It is possible that the final specifications were classified and never declassified until after the program had been cancelled, and therefore were destroyed at program cancellation under wartime secrecy regulations.
Would this have what you are looking for?

"Mc Donnell XP-67 Aircraft Aircraft Reports Technical Documents Manual"

In the document summary it lists

"Final Report on the XP-67 Airplane," Air Material Command, Wright Field, 31 January, 1946

among others.
That's the Preliminary from 1941, that everything I've found is a photocopy of, right down to the "2/12" hand-scribbled in the title block. I have the other documents in the list as well. But thanks for taking the time, I really appreciate the effort.
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Hey OldGeezer,

Have you seen this thread? I do not know if any of this is applicable to the 1942 report you are looking for, but it contains some interesting info:

"McDonnell XP-67 "Moonbat" - Experimental American Heavy Fighter"

And has a link to further info from original documents:

"XP-67 Flight Data – Google Drive"

Also some interesting stuff here:

"[WIP] McDonnall XP-67 Moonbat"
I had NOT seen at least some of this - apologies for the long delay since you posted, but we've had some COVID-related issues here. Thanks for the input, it's going to be very helpful!
Hey O OldGeezer ,

I ran across this report dated 1942 the other day:

"McDonnell P-67C Engineering Report #236.pdf"

Is this the document you were looking for?
No, but that's interesting too. I'd love to find the companion report #231 for just the dedicated photo-recon variant, P-67E. Meanwhile the book we were writing is finished and we'll hand it over to the publisher a week from today. Many thanks to all who helped with info!

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