Secret mission of Recon 7 being told in Recon 7 Down

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art swenson

Sep 10, 2008
I had the great honor of acting in the Film Recon 7 Down with Dirk Benedict, James Stover, Tracy Redingon, Chris Becker, Mike Konik as well as others. I had the challenge of Playing Rommel. I think you would enjoy veiwing this film as much as I did playing a part in it. They story written By William Cheney aswell as Directed by him is based on a true tale. Of a secret OSS and British intelligence mission. This story has never been told befor it is shur to keep you on the edge of your seat. Link to film below. Recon 7 Down: Dirk Benedict, James Stover, Mike Konik, Jasen Tucker, Chris Becker, William Cheney, Peter Ward, Geoff Eyers, Alexandra Jones, Pat Harrington, Jeremy Hill, Tracy Reddington, Jason Cleary, Will Erving, William Smith: Movies
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