Severe ice on the road!

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Forum Mascot
Aug 21, 2006
In my castle....
From December through February we live in a solid sheet of ice. Average temps between -15 F and +6 F (Todays high was 4 F for instance). I would die without my own snow machine.

Midwest winters can be brutal!
They should have ejected...that way they would have been safely clear of the fuselage! :lol:

Now, for me, I would have road that bad boy all the way in! :evil4:
I think that was panic in a strange situation, you may not be in control but you must be safer strapped in the car.
Agreed...actually, they were incredibly stupid for "jumping" (ok, actually not jumping, more like a slow flop) out of the vehicle. The car wasn't moving fast at all and probably got a few scratches and/or dents but in leaving the safety of the vehicle, they could have been killed or maimed (they both nearly got run over by thier own car).
if there was another car that they didnt see behind them they would not have been able to get out of the way. you stay in the car....its the safest place
Agreed...actually, they were incredibly stupid for "jumping" (ok, actually not jumping, more like a slow flop) out of the vehicle. The car wasn't moving fast at all and probably got a few scratches and/or dents but in leaving the safety of the vehicle, they could have been killed or maimed (they both nearly got run over by thier own car).

Actually it looks like it started downhill just around that house. The car seemed to pick up speed.
Agreed...actually, they were incredibly stupid for "jumping" (ok, actually not jumping, more like a slow flop) out of the vehicle. The car wasn't moving fast at all and probably got a few scratches and/or dents but in leaving the safety of the vehicle, they could have been killed or maimed (they both nearly got run over by thier own car).

I couldnt agree more, they could have smashed their heads or been dragged into the kerb, the first time I saw it I just didnt believe what I was seeing. I have had two accidents on ice/snow. A hire company gave me a BMW 320 with summer tyres in Italy, driving from Genoa to Como passing Milan it was snowing like crazy. There were no cars on the Autostrada just big trucks which have a much wider wheelbase. Eventually after about 2 hours of doing opposite lock and wheelspin I completely lost it and the car spun 3 complete revolutions hitting the central reservation bouncing back and stopping as if I parked it on the hard shoulder. Hitting the ARMCO barrier first with the front and then the back neatly smashed all the lights and dented all the panels front back and sides but just as if you hit them with a hammer, the car just slid with hardly any impression of an impact at all. The ladies must have been spooked and in an instant made what in hindsight is a silly decision. By the same token I read about an RAF pilot in France who dived into a tent for cover during a LW air raid, only next day did he realise what a pointless thing to do it was.
The stupidity started with getting into the car in the first place.

I know you have severe weather in Canada but some things that happen in UK are strange. They may well have set off a short distance away on a dry road with air temperature above zero it has happened to me. Rain falls on frozen ground, rain stops and warmer air comes in behind not warm enough to melt the ice. Hard to tell on a video but I guarantee that road will have just looked wet to the eye.

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