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Staff Sergeant
Mar 15, 2009
Easington Lane UK
hi all

hope this is in right place.
How big in corespondance are 1/48 models to 1/32, as i have looked at a few model shops on line but they don't show you the size.

this is my local model shop where i have seen the cheapest prices out of the other shops i've looked at.

It is quite easy my boy.... If a real plane was of 10m wingspan it means that the model of 1/48 scale is of 20.83333cm ( 10/48=0.2083333X100=20.83333).
So, the same model in 1/32 scale is of 31.25cm wingspan. In the same way you can get a model lenght and height.Now take a ruller and look at these dimensions and you can find out how big in corespondance are 1/48 models to 1/32.
This is something between 1/72 scale and 1/32 one. of course it 's a joke but really true.

How big a finished model of 1/48 scale depends on an aircraft type of which the model is. For instance the WW2 fighter wingspan was about 9-11m mostly, a bomber one was of 20,6 m for B-25 to 43.05 for B-29 for example. So it is very difficult to say how big the model can be.Generally it can be said that the scale is really nice taking its detailing, quality of moulds etc... into consideration.Of course the price of the scale kits is quite reasonable though there are manufacturers who always try to get much money than they should...
thanks Wurger

i have gone and ordered the airfix bbmf spitfire mkvb kit which includes motor, paints, brushes and glue. cash sent this afternoon 1hour ago. £42 including p&p

it will bring back old memory's from when i was a kid


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