Something Improved

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Nov 22, 2009
The Jungles of Canada
Not an Error/Problem but something changed in the last hour or so. For months my avatar was a smudgy blur and I just noticed it was clear again...

....funny thing is, earlier this morning I was going to take a snapshot of it when it was blurry and post it here but I thought I had all the time in the world as it's been blurry for a long time now

EDIT: OK.....weird. Just went back to the homepage aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand...

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The one on the left, which appears when we post, I had to re-adjust. I was talking about the one that appears at the top rightish that shows your post count and such. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand it appears clear again.

....and the weirder continues. Half way through posting this, I couldn't upload the second picture. I turns out I was automatically logged off.
Odd - I notice for the 1st time that I can recall, your avatar appears as the 'blurry' version. I did clear my thumbnail / browser cache last night... so maybe I had the clear version cached all this time? FYI.
Well, that settles it...the server hates you!

Seriously, though, I haven't experienced any instances of a blurry avatar in my case. Always appears crisp and the delay between frames is consistant, in all it's sizes and in all areas of the forum.

Ok, I cleared the cache again and refreshed.... now back to your clear avatar!

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