Spitfire Mk.Vb Exhausts Undercarriage.

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Well it's good but I got to know what color is the wheel shafts... Olive green?
And what color the exhausts...
But thanks anyway, Gnomey.
Hi Pisis !!!
Do You know that it is very hard to find the pictures of the details in the Internet? I've tried to get it but without a success.So I'm forced to do it in this way.I hope it would be useful for You.

Are u making EAW things?
No, unfortunately...

I know it, that's why I applied here.
Unfortunately the ZIP file you posted is broken... Could you please repost it? Dzienkuje!
Hi Pisis !!!
It is very strange You couldn't get the archiv.I've downloaded it, tested and extractrd without any problems.I used 7-Zip file to make it.What application do you usually use?
I'm using Download Accelerator Plus (DAP)..... It says the file is uploaded wrongly... Can't you just post those pictures in here, please?
ok these are Wurger's images from the .zip file


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