Spitfire R6897

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Chief Master Sergeant
Apr 15, 2011
Plymouth, England
I have brought this:
Rolls Royce Merlin - mounted rocker arm - from Spitfire R6897 - arm retrieved by aviation archaeologists in 1982, the arm is mounted on a small brass pillar, via a mahogany plinth, with a brass engraved nameplate.

Extensive history, Spitfire R6897 entered service with 19 squadron, Duxford on the 11th July 1940, it fought in the Battle of Britain, its last assignment was to 411 squadron, based at Digby, on the 28th Jan 1943 had a mid air collision with Spitfire AB847, and crashed at Orby Lincolnshire, where it remained until excavated in 1982. The arm is in good condition, the rocker pad is still in place, together with the locknut, believe it is an arm from the starboard side cylinder head, but cannot confirm. the plinth is polished mahogany, which although not pristine would easily re-polish, likewise the brass pillar. Comes with a framed Certificate of Authenticity, signed by Group Cpt. D.Green, A4 size in mahogany frame, altogether an unusual piece of history.

I'm trying to locate a picture of the Spitfire R6897.
Has anyone got access to a picture please?

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