Sub attack on Sydney

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Thanks Wildcat.

The IJN had a fascination with these midget subs. I think the sinking of that small ship at Sydney was the only known success for them in the whole war.

Some historians say that a midget sub got inot Pearl harbor successfully on Dec 7 1941 and actually fired its torpedo's at a battleship, but the evidence is slim.

The only other known sinking was of a US tanker at Ulithi atoll in 1944. But I think that was a manned torpedo, not a midget sub.
I agree about the midget subs being a waste of time. To me the most fascinating aspect of the raid on Sydney was the fact that the dead Japanese sailors were given full military honours and their ashes flown back to Japan!
syscom3 said:
They were given full military horos for buriel, because the truth of the IJA and IJN's conduct towards allied POW's was yet to be kown.

They still would have recieved full military honors from the Australians because that is what western civilized and decent Armies do. Anyone who has been in one, knows that.

Is there anything left of Townsville or of that area that was used as a staging base for the Allies? From what I understand it was completely built during the war (facilities, airfields, etc). I was just wondering what is there now...
DerAdlerIstGelandet said:
They still would have recieved full military honors from the Australians because that is what western civilized and decent Armies do. Anyone who has been in one, knows that.

After reports on Japanese mistreatment and atrocities reached the allies, they were never again afforded "honorable" military burials.

Unlike the ETO, the fighting in the PTO and CBI was savage because of the racial and "clash of civilizations" componants.
Marshall_Stack said:

Is there anything left of Townsville or of that area that was used as a staging base for the Allies? From what I understand it was completely built during the war (facilities, airfields, etc). I was just wondering what is there now...
Well I couldn't tell you about the original airbase but Townsville now is one of the biggest military bases in Australia. A large part of the Army is based there along with Darwin.

And you proof of this, because I guarantee you that no enemy soldiers were that had fallen were treated dishonorably. They may not have recieved large grand funerals but they were not treated dishonorably.
Read the book "touched with fire" by Eric Bergerud.

He has plenty of interviews with allied veterans from the SW Pacific that will tell you exactly how brutal and savage the fighting was there. Dead Japanese soldiers were just bulldozed into pits with no fanfare or dignity.

Theres also plenty of documentation on the atrocities the japanese commited on civilians and soldiers alike and how it hardened the allied attitudes about it.

The war in the PTO and CBI was completely different than the war against Germany. There was plenty of racial hatred to emflame passions.
I have recently watched the movie 'Kokoda', and it is truly a moving experience. The horrors that were faced there are unimaginable. To quote a line from the movie, 'You have seen things here that no man should witness. These things you must forget. However, history will remember you'. And that is true. Australia would've fallen to the Japanese had it not been for the bravery of those "Choko" soldiers. I urge you all to watch the movie when you can, you will be surprised as to how vicious it really was over there.
Comiso see the following pages for more info about Japanese and German activity around Australia in WWII.

Japanese Submarine activities
Japanese submarine activities off the Australian coastline during WW2

Japanese recce flights over Australia
Japanese Reconnaissance flights over Australia during WW2

Japanese landings in Australia
Japanese landings in Australia during WW2

German navy/ u-boat actions
German Maritime Activities off the Australia Coastline during WW2

Australian coastline mine by Japanese and German forces
Australian Coastline mined during WW2 by the Allies, the Japanese and the Germans

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