Tail wheel german bomber WWII

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Sep 15, 2024

Please can you help me to identify that tail wheel, probably from a german bomber ?
I guess the tyre manufacturer is lla, probably a late war codification to hide the genuine name.

Best Regards

The trye size for the tail wheel was used for the Heinkel He111 bomber and Junkers Ju-52. However the wheel hub looks quite modern and seems to be not orginal. Also the white ring seems to be painted but it shouldn't. How does the another side look like? Any other markings on the tyre?

There is no other markings on the tyre. On the seal, i can read PRITZWALK, it refers to a german town.

Best Regards


  • P1390433.JPG
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OK. Indeed the Pritzwalk is a small town in the Germany. The probelm is that it seems that there wasn't any tyre manufacturer in Pritzwalk . Having a close look at the firm logo I could read the F.J Ahlgrim what also sounds modern. Most of the WW2 German tyres I have seen so far, have many markings on it and being a Continental or Dunlop licenced also they have the trademark moulded there.


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