fastmongrel say: "Thats not surprising the Panther was a heavy tank the M4 a medium but up against its most common adversary the Pz 4 the M4 won more often."
The Panther also if was relatively a "heavy" tank was a medium tank was used and deployed as common, medium, tank in the panzer divisionen like the Pz IV, not in the heavy btls like the Tigers. Is not true that Pz IV was more common of Pz V at time that M4 76mm had a notable deployement in NWE.
At time (late war) was common in all the major countries had a high and a low band of medium tank in their tank divisions
US M4 76mm with M4 75mm
UK 17pdr77mm tanks with Sherman 75&Cromwell
CCCP T-34-85 with T-34-76
D Pz V with Pz IV
The Panther also if was relatively a "heavy" tank was a medium tank was used and deployed as common, medium, tank in the panzer divisionen like the Pz IV, not in the heavy btls like the Tigers. Is not true that Pz IV was more common of Pz V at time that M4 76mm had a notable deployement in NWE.
At time (late war) was common in all the major countries had a high and a low band of medium tank in their tank divisions
US M4 76mm with M4 75mm
UK 17pdr77mm tanks with Sherman 75&Cromwell
CCCP T-34-85 with T-34-76
D Pz V with Pz IV