The Here, Now

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Actually this one was planed for "Sacred Defence Week" (September 22-29) as well as an Airshow, both were cancelled at last second.
Isn't it familiar for you??? Iran's officials also spent billions of dollars on the same Mock-up few years ago ...
If they ever catch U.S.S. Carl Vinson in the Mojave, we're in trouble.
If they ever catch U.S.S. Carl Vinson in the Mojave, we're in trouble.
Nothing will never happens. The Chinese won't endanger their country and economy for a useless war that their is a major chance of being defeated.

If any war happened, there is no "alliances", no Nato or any other one. No one will never put his people, soldiers, resources etc. into action For someone else. No Russia / China will help Iran nor Germany / Canada will help US.

BAE Systems are the industrial lead for the Dreadnought programme and, alongside partners Rolls-Royce, are designing and constructing a new generation of submarines to carry the UK's independent nuclear deterrent. Credit: BAE Systems.

Thirty-five students at U.S. Army Sniper School participate in the ghillie wash, which is designed to test the strength and durability of the suits as well as weather them, at Fort Benning, Georgia, Feb. 5, 2021. (Patrick A. Albright/U.S. Army photo)
".... No one will never put his people, soldiers, resources etc. into action For someone else"
Brother A, , America mostly, but contributing Allies have been doing exactly that ever since the summer '50.
But - that aside - I share your view of the outcome. There is so much going wrong right now in China, war-talk is for the 1.4 Billion.
But - that aside lest-we-fortget, China's clear message to USA via Indian Ambassador as troops approached Yalu in 1950.
"Back Off .... Back Off"
The intel was discredited and the outcome is now history and legend ... on both sides.
I know that, dear Michael. But that is not their entire military / Armed Forces. Just a small percentage of that. That's what I meant. Beside that, there are always mercenaries that love to fight for anyone except their own nation. IRGC uses Afghans and terrorist groups as mercenaries.

AFT: Water Work Cadets from the Texas A&M University Bravo Team navigate their watercraft across Lower Douglas Lake at the Zodiac water course challenge during the 1st Brigade Ranger Challenge at Fort Knox, Ky., Oct. 28. (Kyle Crawford/Army Cadet Command)

Military Daily News
A U.S. Air Force B-52 Stratofortress deployed from Barksdale Air Force Base, La., takes off from Andersen Air Force Base, Guam, in support of a Bomber Task Force deployment. (Senior Airman Jacob M. Thompson/U.S. Air Force photo)

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