The Lockheed CL-400 Suntan

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As far as I know, no; I've never seen an actual photograph of the CL-400, and I've read quite a bit about the CL-400's "successors", the A-11 A-12. I didn't even know that they'd managed to begin construction of a CL-400, let alone almost complete them. IIRC, the main problem with the "Suntan" was the hydrogen storage facilities; pound for pound, it produced more power than the then-standard military fuel, JP-4, but it would've required entirely new storage facilities worldwide for effective deployment of the a/c. Also, there was some concern about the range of the CL-400; even with 36,000 lbs. of liquid hydrogen on-board, the theoretical calculations indicated a range of only about 1,000-1,200 miles.

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