The Snake Stukas.

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The Snake Stuka was use in North Afrika, in Libia, in 1942. The colours are light earth - dark sand - with dark green camo.

It was not a D variant, it was a B variant - Ju 87 B.
Correct it actually was a Ju-87B-2 other than that I have never been able to find any oparational information on the these particular Stukas with the Snakes on them.
no the "R" stood for some really long german word that translates as "Range" the R was baisically a B with longer range fuel tanks i believe........
It's not a real word, or at least I don't think it is. Given by the laughing face, it's not.

Fliegen means air...Rangen, is just mocking...and so is the Long..part....
plan_D said:
It's not a real word, or at least I don't think it is. Given by the laughing face, it's not.

Fliegen means air...Rangen, is just mocking...and so is the Long..part....


Is it actually a real word? That's quite unbelievable. It would be pronounced Ray-gen-flea-gen-long...but I'm still doubting it's a real word...I don't trust you.
Okay...I still knew what it was when it had fliegen in it...something to do with aircraft, so I assumed it'd be air...or flying...or rolling down the road with a rod up it's ass...
Well atleast you were in the General area. Very good for some one of english speaking language. They normally tend to thinkt hey are the only language in the world!

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