This is the way it should have been from the beginning....

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Jun 5, 2011
Hobart Tasmania
Another what if subject allowing us to use the great benefit of hindsight.

The idea is simple - list aircraft that were built/used during WW2 which could have been built better had they used ideas from later. These changes would have to be technically feasible in the time frame of the original aircraft, with engines historically available at the time (ie you can't say the Spitfire should have been the Mk XIV at the time of the BoB).

My first thought is the P-61.

Instead of the original concept of the 3 man crew with powered turret with 4 x 0.50s


It should have been built with a 2 man crew, single canopy (or dual if the canopy is too large for 1942/43), keeping the nose radar and teh 4 x 20mm belly cannon.

It would have looked a lot like the P-61E day fighter.


It may have also been fitted with turbos, as per the P-61C, from the start - depending on turbocharger availability.
Did it not have four 20mm cannons in the belly tray?

Yes. The 4 gun top turret proved problematic in early models with severe buffeting when trained anywhere besides straight forward. If not removed outright in the field, the top turrets were usually locked in the forward position and used by the pilot along with the 20's. In that case, the gunner was sometimes left behind to save a little weight, although some pilots liked to have him back there as an extra pair of MkI eyeballs.

EDIT: Spanked by wuzak
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My idea: plumb the wings of the P-47C/D for drop tanks from day one. 600 gals of fuel, no sweat :)

Plus: produce the Spitfire with Merlin 20 series, retractable tail wheel, LE fuel tanks, 29 gals rear fuel tank, all in late 1940.

Also: produce the Bf-109F/G with 3 cannons, no hull MGs, even if those are gondola-mounted.

The V-1650-1 for P-51 in 1942 is a topic beaten till death, even as we speak :)

Install the 'features' of the P-38L on the earlier P-38s (proper intercooler, cabin heater, second generator, dive flaps, boosted ailerons, belt-fed cannon, LE tanks).
I am looking for a Robert Taylor print of Air Apaches on the Warpath. My husbands granfather is one of the pilots who signed the print Major Keith Doughtery. I would like very much to find this painting for my husband. His grandfather is 91 years old and is in the hospital with bone cancer. The man was a great inspiration to my husband and I know this painting would mean a lot to him. Is there anyone here who can help me out or may have a copy of the print they would be willing to sell?
Ki 100 with Kinsei as opposed to the Ha 112 (the same engine but approved for army use). easily the best conventional Japanese fighter of the war and probably the best of any nation during the war. A single Ki100 once took on no less than 12 Hellcats simultaneously and survived.
Built the P-40Q from the start. If Allison had done the 2-stage supercharger from the start, it would have been a really GOOD one. It would have been head and shoulders better than the P-40 even without the 2-stage S/C.

The (X)P-40Q was determined by a 2-stage V-1710. Bubble canopy was featured in one P-40N example, 4 guns was not some invention.
The P-40 + a 2-stage V-1710 makes much more sense than historical P-63 IMO.

Perhaps scale up the Bf 109 so it could carry some FUEL?

Stick the DB 601/605 on the Fw 190? Much better potential for long range.
There wasn't much wrong with the basic engine, they just stayed with the basic supercharger way too long.
Think Merlin stuck with the pre Hooker supercharger until 1943 or so. :cry:

More thinking the way that Rolls-Royce developed engines would have got more out of the design sooner. And, of course, they would probably install a Merlin XX supercharger and, possibly, a 2 speed drive.
The Basic power section of the V-1710 was improved to the point where it was good for 1600-1750hp for periods of time (or higher with water injection), It was the lack of good supercharging that held it back.
granted there several steps along the way from the 1090hp engines of the long nose P-40s to the 1600hp and up engines (new engine blocks, new crankshafts) but Allison did a pretty good job with the basic engine and it probably could have equaled the Merlin XX series if given a comparable supercharger.

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