Tu-160 and her pilots

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Tech Sergeant
Feb 18, 2018
Nice article and pictures.
Original (Ukrainian with some Russian)
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Watched this video yesterday. The video is sad, with a little bit of fun in it. This video shows well the criminal stupidity of the Ukrainian leaders who were willing to crawl on their knees for the approval of the West. Operation of the Tu-160 was too expensive for Ukraine, the Tu-160 did not fit into the strategic defense plans either, but to cut these planes was a display of the highest degree of stupidity. This demonstrates Ukraine's turn toward NATO and away from Russia, which took place in the nineties. That's why Russia returned Crimea.
".... Operation of the Tu-160 was too expensive for Ukraine,"
Agreed, I imagine, but also an expensive-to-infield-operatate for The Fed, in Syria. Expensive bomb truck, but, the crews are getting experience.
It would be interesting to compare B-1 bomber upkeep $$$ with "The White Swan".
".... Operation of the Tu-160 was too expensive for Ukraine,"
Agreed, I imagine, but also an expensive-to-infield-operatate for The Fed, in Syria. Expensive bomb truck, but, the crews are getting experience.
It would be interesting to compare B-1 bomber upkeep $$$ with "The White Swan".

I would imagine the B-1B would be cheaper to operate. It's smaller, less powerful than the Tu-160, simpler specification (no variable inlets). B-1B is not expected to fly at supersonic speeds that much. Possibly the most important factor is that there are 60+ B-1Bs in service compared to 15 Tu-160, which should keep the hourly flight cost lower.
Nice article and pictures.
Original (Ukrainian with some Russian)
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View attachment 629998

Interesting to see the Tu-160 comes with a pair of control sticks - this must be one of the first aircraft - if not the first aircraft - designed by Tupolev to do so?

Even the Tu-128 interceptor aircraft from the Cold War came with a control wheel - the only jet "fighter" plane to do so?

Watched this video yesterday. The video is sad, with a little bit of fun in it. This video shows well the criminal stupidity of the Ukrainian leaders who were willing to crawl on their knees for the approval of the West. Operation of the Tu-160 was too expensive for Ukraine, the Tu-160 did not fit into the strategic defense plans either, but to cut these planes was a display of the highest degree of stupidity. This demonstrates Ukraine's turn toward NATO and away from Russia, which took place in the nineties. That's why Russia returned Crimea.
Please keep political discussions out of this forum!!! I'm only going to warn you once!
Interesting to see the Tu-160 comes with a pair of control sticks - this must be one of the first aircraft - if not the first aircraft - designed by Tupolev to do so?

Even the Tu-128 interceptor aircraft from the Cold War came with a control wheel - the only jet "fighter" plane to do so?

View attachment 631916
Some pilots said it was the first one, indeed. But probably there were earlier prototypes with the stick.
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