Twas The Night Before Christmas

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The Pop-Tart Whisperer
Feb 19, 2007
Southern New Jersey
Twas The Night Before Christmas

(an adaptation :D )

Twas the night before Christmas when all through the forum
Not a member was stirring, not even Soren.
The duffle bags were hung by the computers with care
In the hopes that St.Nicholas soon would be there.

The Admins and Mods were snug in their beds
While visions of Heinkels danced in their heads.
And Adler the Crew Chief and Horse in his cap
Had just settled down with a brandy nightcap

When there on the screen there arose such a clatter
I thought Les had found another one-post wonder.
Away to the mousepad I sprang like a mad hatter
Turned on my PC to see what was the matter.

The moon on the metal of the just polished cowl
Gave the lustre of an MOH medal to objects around.
When what to my wandering eyes should appear
But a minature A-20 with numerous Corsairs.

With a little old pilot, so lively and quick
I knew in a moment it must be St. Nick.
More rapid than Mustangs his escorts they came
And he whistled and shouted and called them by name.

"Now Erich, now Syscom, now Charles and Wurger
On Maestro, on Cosimo, on Psis and Soundbreaker!"
"Go Flyboy, go Trackend, V2 and Matt308
Lesofprimus, Evangilder and Hunter368!"

"Dive Seesul, dive Timshatz, on Wildcat and Wayne Little
On K9kiwi, on Aussie just like the Mad Rebel!"
Attack Micdrow and Lesbride and Lucky 13
Go Mkloby and Thunder, Udet and DougRD!"

"To the top of the hangar and don't you dare stall!"
"Now fly away, fly away, fly away all!"
In finger-four formation, the escorts they flew
With the Havoc full of toys and St. Nicholas too!

And then in a twinkling, I heard on the tarmac
The shouting and yelling of our friend Emac.
As I switched off the monitor and was turning around
Down the runway St. Nicholas came with a bound.

He was dressed in an A-2 from his head to his gut
And his flightsuit was all tarnished from engine oil and soot
A bundle of models he had flung on his back
And he looked like Heinz just opening his pack!

His .50s - how they twinkled, his joystick how merry!
His roundels were like roses, his nosecone like a cherry!
He spoke not a word but went straight to his work
Grabbing the engine crank, he turned with a jerk.

And tapping his finger on the side of the cockpit
He lept on the wing like he would on a Messerschmitt!
He sprang in the air, to his team in formation
And away they all flew representing all nations.

But I heard him exclaim by the computer's dull light
"Merry Christmas to all and to a good night!!"

(My apologies to those not mentioned and to Clement Clarke Moore. I hope everyone has a great holiday and an even better New Year!! From wacko NJACO!) :lol:
May Santa bring u incendiary rounds!

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