Member In Perpetuity
Up until 1962, you could always (well, almost) tell the manufacturer
of U.S. Navy planes by the last letter of their designation. It was
changed in 1962 so that all services used the same designation for
the same aircraft. The Navy also designated the mission of the
aircraft by the first letters A-Attack, F -Fighter, R-Transport, S-Scout,
SB-Scout Bomber, P-Patrol, PB-Patrol Bomber, O-Observation, etc.
Here's a breakdown:
Last Manufacturer Aircraft
A……. Brewster…………F2A (Buffalo), SB2A (Buccaneer)
B……..Boeing……………PB-1W (B-17), B2B-1S, (B-29)
C……..Curtiss……………NC-1, NC-4
D……..Douglas…………..R4D, (C-47), R5D (C-54), JD-1, AD, SBD, A3D (B-66)
F……..Grumman…………F3F, F4F, F6F, F7F, F8F, F9F, TF, S2F, TBF
G……..Goodyear…………FG-1 (Goodyear built Corsair)
H……..McDonnell………..F2H, FH-1 (Phantom)
J………North American….SNJ (AT-6) FJ-3 (Fury) PBJ-1 (B-25)
L………Bell………………FL-1 (P-39)
M……..Glenn L. Martin…..PBM, P5M, P6M, JM-1 (B-26)
N………Naval Acft Factory..N3N-1, N3N-2, N3N-3
Q………Fairchild…………..R4Q (C-119)
U……….Chance-Vought…..F4U, OS2U,
Y………Consolidated………PBY, PB4Y-1 (B-24), PB4Y-2 (Privateer)
V………Lockheed…………PV-1 (Hudson) PV-2 (Ventura), P2V, P2V-2,
TV-2 (P-80), R7V-1 (Connie), P3V (Orion)
C was also used to designate Cessna : UC-35D Encore
B was also used to designate Beechcraft: SNB (C-45)
M was also used to designate General Motors. Their Eastern Aircraft
Division built some of the TBM's. Martin also built some.
Stearman, Boeing and the Naval Aircraft Factory all made the Kaydet.
There were others: General Aviation, Budd, Hiller, Stinson, Piasecki,
Ryan, Waco, and the list goes from A to Z. I've tried to hit the most
popular, and the one's most aviation buffs would recognize. A complete
list can be found at:
1922 United States Navy aircraft designation system - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
of U.S. Navy planes by the last letter of their designation. It was
changed in 1962 so that all services used the same designation for
the same aircraft. The Navy also designated the mission of the
aircraft by the first letters A-Attack, F -Fighter, R-Transport, S-Scout,
SB-Scout Bomber, P-Patrol, PB-Patrol Bomber, O-Observation, etc.
Here's a breakdown:
Last Manufacturer Aircraft
A……. Brewster…………F2A (Buffalo), SB2A (Buccaneer)
B……..Boeing……………PB-1W (B-17), B2B-1S, (B-29)
C……..Curtiss……………NC-1, NC-4
D……..Douglas…………..R4D, (C-47), R5D (C-54), JD-1, AD, SBD, A3D (B-66)
F……..Grumman…………F3F, F4F, F6F, F7F, F8F, F9F, TF, S2F, TBF
G……..Goodyear…………FG-1 (Goodyear built Corsair)
H……..McDonnell………..F2H, FH-1 (Phantom)
J………North American….SNJ (AT-6) FJ-3 (Fury) PBJ-1 (B-25)
L………Bell………………FL-1 (P-39)
M……..Glenn L. Martin…..PBM, P5M, P6M, JM-1 (B-26)
N………Naval Acft Factory..N3N-1, N3N-2, N3N-3
Q………Fairchild…………..R4Q (C-119)
U……….Chance-Vought…..F4U, OS2U,
Y………Consolidated………PBY, PB4Y-1 (B-24), PB4Y-2 (Privateer)
V………Lockheed…………PV-1 (Hudson) PV-2 (Ventura), P2V, P2V-2,
TV-2 (P-80), R7V-1 (Connie), P3V (Orion)
C was also used to designate Cessna : UC-35D Encore
B was also used to designate Beechcraft: SNB (C-45)
M was also used to designate General Motors. Their Eastern Aircraft
Division built some of the TBM's. Martin also built some.
Stearman, Boeing and the Naval Aircraft Factory all made the Kaydet.
There were others: General Aviation, Budd, Hiller, Stinson, Piasecki,
Ryan, Waco, and the list goes from A to Z. I've tried to hit the most
popular, and the one's most aviation buffs would recognize. A complete
list can be found at:
1922 United States Navy aircraft designation system - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia