Unique Ju87 pics

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Dec 9, 2005
Hi there

I am looking for projects on the Ju87.
Not the known variants.
Those projects that have not been heard of or possibly seen before.

Like the Ju87 with the capsule mounted on top of the right wing - that could have been used for medivacs or spydrops

Any help would be grand

Hallo !!!
There are two pics of the D-3 version with experimental personnel transport pods overwing.I don't know if they could be and if they are well known.

source unknown:


  • Ju87D3_special_.jpg
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  • Ju87D3_special_a.jpg
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This is EXACTLY the kind of thing I am looking for.
Thank you so much
I really appreciate it.
i have the 2nd profile pic but, the 1st pic I've NEVER seen.

I am always on the lookout for odd or paculiar designs.



  • ju187-1.jpg
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  • ju187-2.jpg
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  • ju187-3.jpg
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  • ju187-4.jpg
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  • ju187-5.jpg
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thanks Smokey Wurger

I have all those images from Luft46 Luftarchiv.
thank you very much though.
It is the hard to find pics material that I'm after.
I know it is out there.

Thanks guys

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