US Air Combat Command cancels all single-ship demo teams except one: "the F-22 is good for air shows. All other combat planes are good for war" « The AviationistAs a consequence of the global financial crisis, the US Air Command Command has decided to scale back from the six demonstration teams (A-10 East West, F-16 East West, F-15E and F-22) to one single-ship demo team.
For 2012, the Air Force's primary force provider will sponsor only the F-22 demo team that is expected to perform (alongside the Thunderbirds, that are set to complete a full season next year) at up to 20 air shows.
Add to this that the budgets may be cut for the Blue Angels and the Thunderbirds, next airshow season looks like there won't be any military demos except the Heritage Flights. I am only providing this information for your knowledge and will not tolerate any political discussion on this. I have my own feelings about it and will keep them to myself, as should you.
It's sad for the airshow world.