Part Numbers
if 3297448 = 329 07/448 then
329 07/168
329 07/255
329 07/330
329 07/448
329 07/733
and all are part of the outer main plane, in this case a rib leading edge former.
if 3297488 = 329 74/48 then
329 71/68 is part of the ski arrangement or anti-icing equipment
329 72/55 is part of the fighting top
329 73/30 is part of the auxiliary oil tank
329 74/48 is part of the float arrangement
329 77/33 is part of the trailing portion - bottom outer (no idea what this refers to)
I do not think the Spitfire had parts for ski arrangements, anti-icing equipment, fighting top, auxiliary oil tank, or float arrangements, that looked anything like the parts in the pictures.
But the parts in the pictures do look like a mangled rib leading edge former from a Spitfire wing - or a similar aircraft wing.