visit The Central Air Force Museum of monino moscow

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Mar 29, 2020
visit to the Central Air Force Museum in monino moscow one of the most spectacular to watch the most famous Soviet aircraft and more. for the true passionate of flight and aviation young and old and to visit go.
this is one of the most interesting the bertini-beriev are finally restoring it
What? No Sturmovik?

Yup, there was one at Monino...

Illyushin Il-2M3 Sturmovik 002

An Il-10 too.

Illyushin Il-10M Beast 001

this is one of the most interesting the bertini-beriev are finally restoring it

Great to hear! I hope that Monino remains and the plan to move the collection that they can move to Patriot Park doesn't go ahead, or else the big aircraft in your superb clip that they can't move will be scrapped. :( (Note the Sukhanov Discoplane hanging from the ceiling at 0:50!)

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