Wanted Pre 45 RR Merlin Spitfire Engine

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Jun 21, 2011
Hello and sorry if this is in the wrong section.
A friend would like to buy a running Merlin engine, not Griffon.
Pre 1945.
Ideally with WW2 history.
I had sourced him a block in England but he wants a full running engine.
We are based in the UK.
Any help most appreciated. Thanks for your time.

They exist, but like most things it depends on budget and objectives. Static engines can be made up for a relatively modest sum. Ground running engines for several times that. An engine with proven WW2 history is rare. I own a few running Merlins, but neither for sale. PM me if I can help advise any further.
Hello, For a running engine overhauled and equipped, market price is 300k $ and up. PM me if you need additional infos.

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