Warbirds over Addison 2016

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Jun 10, 2004
Knoxville, TN
The show is this weekend. They are supposed to have at least 8 Mustangs in the air this year and 2 Skyraiders along with the other planes.

If you are in the area, go check it out. They put on a great show and have a very nice museum.
I use to work at that airport. They offer rides on several of their planes. Then there are the other planes like corsair, mustang, skyraider, wildcat, c-47, bf 109, tbm avenger, warhawk, mohawk, b-25j, etc to name a few. Fifi also use to be at this airport. They also get visits on occation from a restored zero. Not sure if the he111 will be out or not.
Don't think I'll be able to make it but sounds great. Great museum been up three times but still a long haul from Houston. Bout 350 miles.

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