Water injection for R-2800-8W/-18W: 1st combat?

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tomo pauk

Creator of Interesting Threads
Apr 3, 2008
The USN fighters were equipped/retrofitted with water injection units for their R-2800s. Does anyone have a good info about the date such gear was used in combat?
Dean's "America's Hundred Thousand" states that F4U-4s arrived in Okinawa and went into combat in May, 1945.

Oops, sorrow wrong aircraft. You want the F4U-1A(W) version. Standby.

In January, 1944, some F4U-1As of VF-17 were being re-fitted with water injected engines. VF-17 was in Torokina on Bougainville. January 26, '44, VF-17 was engaged over Rabaul and shot down eight Japanese aircraft. I don't know if the water injected aircraft were involve in this.
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It's safe to assume F6F were operating ADI in the same time?
In Dean, it states that the first F4U1A is fitted with an water injection engine on November 25, 1943. It is the 1551st Corsair by Vought.
ADI - anti-detonant injection (= injection of water).
Thanks, must read the book now I own
Now that we speak of ADI, seems it took perhaps 18 months between P-47Cs received provision for ADI and the real combat use by P-47Ds (late 1942 to early 1944)?
If I didn't misread the Holy Book

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