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I never joined, this Forum and a few others like it have been my only version of social media. Once I read what the companies running the Social media sites could do with your information, I decided no real good could come of me joining them. To the utter frustration of my Family who actually have to Text, E-mail, or horror of horrors call me to notify me of anything they would like me to attend or even be aware of.
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Today I'm reading the news and weeping. I've come to the conclusion that social media, far from being a source of shared information has become instead the primary source of misinformation and social division. Today I've decided its time to leave Facebook, Insta and all the other socials that both track and feed biased information based on engagement.

Has anyone else successfully bailed from social media, and how did it go for you?
I actually never joined FB ....... yes, it meant I was out of the loop on a few things, but I have not really noticed any consequential downside

... and I'm happy.
Today proved to be quite busy as well as terrifying.

The day dawned clear, temp around 66F, and a light wind out of the SSE. I decided to run right over and fly the airplane. I lined up on Runway 11 and pushed in the throttle just as the Sun came up over the horizon. I climbed to 2500 ft and just flew around the local area, noting that Patrick Space Force Base ATIS was saying their airspace was not active and so I'd be able to circle down to the South when the flight school started launching airplanes on Runway 29, the opposite direction from my takeoff. While the winds favored Runway 11 they were so light, and at times dying entirely, that Runway 29 was still perfectly usable and had the advantage of producing fewer noise complaints. That did not occur, nobody else took off, so I descended to land on Runway 11. But as I turned Final, I realized the Sun would be a huge problem, aligned so perfectly with Runway 11 as to be utterly blinding. I put on my sunglasses, which helped some but also made everything else very dark. I thought I was lined up with 11 but suddenly realized that was the Taxiway! Yikes! I turned to the Left, toward the Runway but once lined up again I could not see it. Hey! I pulled off all power when I turned Final. What's my airspeed? I could not read it! I could not read anything on the instrument panel! But I managed a decent landing, if rather more Left of centerline than normal. Thank God and Fred Weick that the Ercoupe is the easiest airplane to land ever built!

I should have added power and went around to enter the pattern for Runway 29 the minute I realized that Sun made the Runway effectively invisible. Lesson learned!

Then I helped a friend of mine rebuild the steering on his hot rod golf cart. After that was done I helped him take his 20 ft boat to his home dock. The thing has 250 HP. We took the shortest route when we discovered the winds had increased to 17kt and there were numerous whitecaps on the Banana River. The boat handled the chop very well but I discovered that under those conditions the smallest boat I would be willing to hit 35 kts in is an Iowa Class. And neither the golf cart nor the boat has adequate hand holds.
Have coursework. I was researching B-29s and came across a treasure trove of pictures for the interesting posts. What's funny is there isn't A B-29 in the whole bunch. Have some coursework, but that won't take more than one hour. Then lessen plan for week.
Doing other things lately besides bench time.
Lost my mojo a bit, more decal work.
What is it some can't understand "straight on"
photos for me to work from, trucks, both
the Real thing to replicate, the model to apply to......FMD!

So I have missed the finish of GB's 63, 64.
I am going for 65 now. But............ why can't I choose
something easy.. ?????????? Don't answer that please.

65 I want to do Bob Love's F-86E 10-NA flown in Korea.
He had his Bernies Bo Mustang at Livermore and I think I met him
before he passed in '86, while cleaning is Mustang!!!!!!!
So I want to do a 1/32nd E version................................
but none are available!!!!!!!!!!!! Questions in the GB65 thread.

This may be near the last build. Shaky hands, arturitisss in me back,
Eyes going south on me, seeing double. I am tired of being near 82!
I continued with patching the hole in the bed of my pickup truck. Yesterday I used an air-powered drill with rotary brushes to remove rust below the bed and the applied a coating on Rust converter paint to the area. Today I took a piece of 0.020 stainless steel, coated it with polyurethane construction adhesive and stuck it over the hole from the bottom, adding some duct tape to hold it in place until it dried. Perhaps tomorrow I'll get to paint the underside of the treated area. I have never tried to do this before and I'm hopeful it will work well. New trucks are incredibly expensive!

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