What Cheered You Up Today? (2 Viewers)

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Three months back I needed an urgent MRI and it took 9 weeeks to get it done. A friend with a suspected stroke had to wait 13 weeks.

From the results the doc sent me to a specialist in Brisbane who ordered another more specific MRI yesterday.

This morning I rang the same place that did the first one and I am having this next one tonight at 21:00.

Because of the many complaints about the backlog of urgent MRIs and CAT scans they have at long got approval to do three shifts so that they are working 07:00 to 22:00 monday thru Friday plus 8 hours on Saturday and Sunday.

Having several million dollars worth of machinery only being used 40 hours per week always was idiotic when there were massive backlogs. The fixed overhead costs are now being divided by 91 almost certainly means the actual cost of each MRI is now significantly lower and the death toll should drop minutely.

I got a phone call at 16:00 saying they had a cancellation and if I could get there by 17:30 they could do my scan early. I got home about the same time as I would have started the scan - and had a meal while in town.

Win win win as far as I am concerned.
1. Today is 9/80 Friday off.

2. Bought myself a Christmas gift. An original WW2 USMC 1st Marine Division Guadalcanal uniform for my collection. (Now just need to pray the pathetic USPS does not deliver it to the wrong house).

3. Blasting Sabaton while getting caught up on house chores (crazy how that can be enjoyable).

View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=i9BupglHdtM&pp=ygUWc2FiYXRvbiB0aGUgbGFzdCBzdGFuZA%3D%3D
Just got back from a job interview....snow removal using a John Deere loader. Its been 15 years since I last ran a JD but I think it went well as he's showing me where to work in the industrial site
For you it must be feeling like this

So I am researching some aircraft of the IJAAF. In comes my eight year old and she starts reading to me "Kawasaki Ki-45 KAI of the special ramming unit of 53 Sentai 'Shinten Seiku-tai' (Heaven-Shaking Air Superiority Unit) with a 'kaburaya' on the fuselage" HIKO. I am like, wow, this kid has been reading at school quite a bit. I had to help her with 'Sentai' and the 'Shiten-Seiku-tai', which I am sure she has maybe seen once or twice.

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