Ok, this may have been done before but a couple What if threads here have got me thinking the past few weeks on this scenario. If this has been done, close it, lock it and give me a demerit. I'm sorry for wasting computer paper.
January 1942
Germany has NOT invaded Russia.
Instead, Hitler had decided that it would be far more effective to use the sub-human Russians as slave-type and drain, if he could, its resources for Germany. He also realizes that with the entrance of the US it won't be long before the US and UK are on the shores of France and he doesn't want a two-front war. Russia is far larger than what he believes his army can conquer, with them spread out across Erurope and Africa. With Japan now in the war, he can cultivate a two front war on Russia at a later time if he can dull Stalin in a sense of some security while planning with the Japanese to strike from China and Mongolia. He has achieved this with a new pact with Russia, similar to 1939 but bringing oil, metal, ores and other needed items from Russia in exchange for what the Russians believe are new designs of war machines and elite training from German advisors.
So the question is what happens in the next 3 years?
Is France invaded?
Is North Africa left to wither for lack of material and men?
Does Rommel make it to the Suez and beyond?
Does German tank design improve without knowledge of the KV-1 or T-34?
Does the Luftwaffe finally get a long-range bomber?
What happens in the Air War over Europe?
Is there Peace accords with UK and US or a fight to end the war?
So much to play with. Any thoughts?