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Generalfeldmarschall zur Luftschiff Abteilung
Just about the time the forum went haywire, I posted a link in the WW2-General - thread to some awesome WWI Axis photos being posted from someone's personal album.

At that site (Some family Photographs - Crashed Aircraft etc. - World War 2 Talk), in the first post, second photo, is what appears to be a French aircraft (the roundel on the wing, underside, appears French colors) that is not only the ugliest dang thing I've ever seen, but also the oddest I've seen in a long time.

When I first looked at it, I thought the rear of the fuselage had been damaged...but in all actuality, it's not! It almost looks like a laminated wood beam just stuck in there holding everything up...the bicycle leaning against it gives you a little perspective to it's dimensions.

So what is this?

Graeme, way to go!

I didn't even know where to begin with ID'ing this machine!

I know we've had plenty of aircraft polls here regarding best/worst, most powerful/most popular, etc...

But has anyone considered the ugliest? Because I think I have a winner here...
I noticed that, Wurger...that lower wing looked almost like an afterthought...

Actually, the entire machine looked like an afterthought.

Looking over the specifications of that aircraft, it's performance matched it's looks...top speed was something like 147 mph? Yikes!

My personal favorite still has to be that "stick" poking out of the rear of the fuselage to hold up the tail assembly!

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