What music are you listening to.....continued

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Laughing out Loud - The Wallflowers.

Soundgarden did a cover of John Lennon and Yoko Ono's two minutes of silence, but they only covered Lennon's part so it's one minute
The guitarist/singer is Jakob Dylan, yes. Not the whole lot of The Wallflowers though, since there's four of them!
Helena - My Chemical Romance (again), followed by Coldplay - Clocks

Speaking of Helena, who agrees with me that the video is weird?

*Edit - Speaking of music collections, I have 553 songs on my computer, and 525 on my iPod, but many on my iPod aren't on my computer since I took them off my friend's computer.*
Sex and Violence - Stone Temple Pilots, just finished.

It's now; All in Suit - Stone Temple Pilots

It is weird. Cool, but weird

Daniel Powter - Bad Day
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