Here is an interesting What If that I have been thinking about. What if Hitler did not hate the Jews? What if he did not put them in concentration death camps and try to kill them all?
You may be thinking this is a wiered topic to start up, but I think it is an interesting scenerio. A lot of Jewish scientists and engineers (Albert Einstein to name one) fled Germany to other countries including the United States to flee the Nazis and there terror.
We all know that Jews were forced to work in factories and labor camps making war materials including engines (such as Jumo 004 for the Me-262). Many of these Jews sabatoged there work so that they too could take there part in destroying the Nazi War machine.
Basically what I am getting at is what would the Jewish population that was being persecuted have contributed to the German war machine.
Would Germany have gotten the Atomic Bomb before anyone else with Albert Einsteins help?
Would the German equipment been produced quicker with the more manpower that the German Jews would have brought into it?
Would the extra manpower helped form new fresh Divisions for the Germans?
I know that most of the Jews that were in the concentration camps were not of German decent but it makes me wonder how this would have effected the outcome of WW2 had the Holocaust not happened?
I am interested in hearing other peoples thoughts on this because it is something that I have been thinking about.
You may be thinking this is a wiered topic to start up, but I think it is an interesting scenerio. A lot of Jewish scientists and engineers (Albert Einstein to name one) fled Germany to other countries including the United States to flee the Nazis and there terror.
We all know that Jews were forced to work in factories and labor camps making war materials including engines (such as Jumo 004 for the Me-262). Many of these Jews sabatoged there work so that they too could take there part in destroying the Nazi War machine.
Basically what I am getting at is what would the Jewish population that was being persecuted have contributed to the German war machine.
Would Germany have gotten the Atomic Bomb before anyone else with Albert Einsteins help?
Would the German equipment been produced quicker with the more manpower that the German Jews would have brought into it?
Would the extra manpower helped form new fresh Divisions for the Germans?
I know that most of the Jews that were in the concentration camps were not of German decent but it makes me wonder how this would have effected the outcome of WW2 had the Holocaust not happened?
I am interested in hearing other peoples thoughts on this because it is something that I have been thinking about.