What's This Man's Navy Coming To ??

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Member In Perpetuity
Jul 10, 2007
Virginia Beach, Va.
Was so mad this morning. Two female US Navy officers (a LTjg a Lt)
were in the dealership this morning. Both were dressed in dress blues.
One had black cowboy boots on, big dangling earrings, and too much
make-up plastering her face. The other had brown flight deck shoes
on. Both of them looked like the flood was imminent.... their trousers were
two inches too short.

What the hell has happened to our Navy ? Don't officers care what they
look like out in public ?? Ask me if I'm disgusted......

I cannot tell you how often I see BDUs and the new cammies in public after duty hours. I cannot believe it. I do not live in a military town. These kids are coming home on leave and wearing cammies. They do it to get attention and because there is no one here to catch them. I would never dream of being seen in class "D", fatigues off post. Unless we were stopping for fuel, we had to change before going anywhere. No personal standards.


I'll be the first to admit that times have changed. I retired in 1971. When
I got out you couldn't get off your ship, let alone out the main gate in
anything but "dress canvas". They had a rule for shore duty types: you
could wear dungarees while in a vehicle, to or from base, but no stopping
at the local watering hole or the supermarket. I guess times have really

Sure, TO, we had wooden ships ! Most of the minesweepers were wood !

I agree with you Mr C! I have a question for you, what's the difference between the blues, canvas and the white USN uniforms, when and where do you where them......?

And....what the h*ll is this?
I called out a female US Army Col. in Washington DC one time. I had just gotten back from Iraq and me and my wife were on vacation in the States. We stopped in Washington for 10 days to check out the museums and I see this female Col. walking by with here beret looking like it was a chef hat.

I walked over to her and pulled out my ID Card and showed it to her saying that I was Active Duty Army and that is in a very visible and high profile place and she needs to wear the Uniform like she cares and in the proper way because people are watching her.

She just looked at me and walked on...
I agree with you Mr C! I have a question for you, what's the difference between the blues, canvas and the white USN uniforms, when and where do you where them......?

And....what the h*ll is this?

The US Navy enlisted personnel (other than CPO's) have six basic
uniforms: Dress Blues (referred to as "dress canvas") which is as the name
implies, a dress uniform. There are also undress blues, which is a working
uniform. The jumper doesn't have "piping" (white stripes) and the cuffs
don't button. The only different between dress white and undress white is
the neckerchief is worn with dress white. Then,there are dungarees, for
working personnel who may get their hands dirty. And, navy personnel on
combat duty wear cammo...... I don't know why, the cammo stands out
like a sore thumb.

When each uniform (blue or white) is worn is determined by the Commandant
of the particular Naval District. Norfolk is in the 6th ND, and whites usually
go into effect April 15th. Dress Blue is a traveling uniform and is in worn Sept 15th to April 14th.

Charleston, SC is HQ for the 5th Naval District (and includes Ga. Fla) and
being further south may have different dates.

Hawaii, being in the 14th Naval District,would probably be different, also.

There are other exceptions, too. A USN Corpsman attached to the Fleet Marines would wear the Marine uniform, with his proper rate insignia [called
a "crow"] instead of the red stripes of PFC, CPL or whatever. SeaBees also
wear greens as a working uniform.

Sure, TO, we had wooden ships ! Most of the minesweepers were wood !

Oh minesweepers, I thought you were on the USS Constitution. Charles, did a cannonball really bounce off her side? :)



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The US Navy enlisted personnel (other than CPO's) have six basic
uniforms: Dress Blues (referred to as "dress canvas") which is as the name
implies, a dress uniform. There are also undress blues, which is a working
uniform. The jumper doesn't have "piping" (white stripes) and the cuffs
don't button. The only different between dress white and undress white is
the neckerchief is worn with dress white. Then,there are dungarees, for
working personnel who may get their hands dirty. And, navy personnel on
combat duty wear cammo...... I don't know why, the cammo stands out
like a sore thumb.

When each uniform (blue or white) is worn is determined by the Commandant
of the particular Naval District. Norfolk is in the 6th ND, and whites usually
go into effect April 15th. Dress Blue is a traveling uniform and is in worn Sept 15th to April 14th.

Charleston, SC is HQ for the 5th Naval District (and includes Ga. Fla) and
being further south may have different dates.

Hawaii, being in the 14th Naval District,would probably be different, also.

There are other exceptions, too. A USN Corpsman attached to the Fleet Marines would wear the Marine uniform, with his proper rate insignia [called
a "crow"] instead of the red stripes of PFC, CPL or whatever. SeaBees also
wear greens as a working uniform.


Thanks Mr C....great stuff.....hope to get to know more!8)
Oh minesweepers, I thought you were on the USS Constitution. Charles, did a cannonball really bounce off her side?

I went into the Navy in 1951, not 1851.... Gosh..... fifty-seven years
ago. It seems like only yesterday......

20 years ago I contemplated to move to my parents relatives in Chesapeake, Virgina to Join the USN....like my dad's cousin. I still wonder every now and then, what I've been doing today, if I had.
20 years ago I contemplated a move to my parents relatives in Chesapeake, Virginia to join the USN....like my dad's cousin. I still wonder every now and then, what I'd been doing today, if I had.

Unfortunately, we'll never know. Depends on where you are on life's totem
pole, today. Maybe you're better off, or you could be looking at one hell of
a retirement in a few years. I retired in 1971 and the pay is MUCH better

My grandfather was a 3 war Navy man and went out as a Master Chief in 1968. I remember rding with him as a kid back when the Navy was allowing beards and every time he saw one he's near have a heart attack and more often than not would loudly give his opionion no matter where or when.
Art in DC
I feel for u Charles.... When I was in, our BDU's or Dungarees were allowed to and from Base only... Dress uniforms could be worn anywhere...

I was borrowing an LT's car one afternnon and as all of us Vets know, there is a little blue becal next to the DOD sticker on the windshield.... I came up on 3 Seamen walkin down the street in Norfolk with their covers kicked waaaaay back on the top of their heads.... I pulled up next to them, made sure they saw the blue sticker, and started giving them sh!t....

One started to cope a slight attitude, and as I watched his buddy nudge him with his elbow, I put the car in park and jumped out, and came up on them real fast... I had a Team shirt on, so the impact was that much greater.... All 3 of them went to attention as I basically screamed at them about proper military dress etc etc....

The funny thing was, I wasnt pissed off, I had to fake it....I ended up laughing at the end of my "speech" and got back in the car....

I still think to this day that the one dude who had the attitude problem sh!t himself when I came up on him...

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