“White 13”...

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1st Sergeant
I figure Lucky should have an answer for this one.
I am trying to help out an online friend.
I tried searching the forum but I am getting too many non relevant responses.

This is what he wants to find.

I did a quick search on the net and came up with almost nothing.
Definitely no pictures of the plane, just a pilot profile page.
Aces of the Luftwaffe - Rudolf Rademacher

Thanks for the help.

here is an image of W.Nr 350185 Blue 9 from JG 5 should give you an idea of the fuselage camo.....wing camo pretty much standard on all 190's.
Your specific issue is style of '13' and whether it may have a black outline...probable? and any other rmarkings associated with 1/JGr Nord.

Source : Fw190A, Fw190 Dora Ta152 by Peter Rodeike


  • Fw190A-8_Blue 9 WNr 350185.jpg
    58.2 KB · Views: 188

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