There's a good possibility of that. Entire divisions would march across Germany in order to surrender to the first Allied soldier they could find (cook, infantry, "Yank" reporter....). The Russians were out to seek revenge...kinda hard to fault them, considering the sorts of things that were reported to happen on the Russian steppes and at Stalingrad, much less the well-documented Russian prisoner labor camps. Soviet propaganda machines had the Soviet troops whipped into a German-killing frenzy, and the German troops in Berlin knew there would be no quarter from the Russians. Had the US/British/Canadian troops marched into Berlin, I'm thinkin that they would've been met by a bunch of high-ranking German officers and officials, toting steins of beer and some good brautwurst, carrying the keyes to the city. Okay...perhaps not that easy...there would have been some token resistance put up, a few shots fired (to save face, of course), and then unconditional surrender. And then the hordes of pissed-off Russians, now cheesed that the rest of the Allies made it to Berlin first. the new avatar, Lucky!