Yak-7 as a night fighter?

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Senior Airman
Jul 15, 2004
Nicholson, PA
I was just watching a documentary on the Yak-3 and they mentioned something about Yak-7bs being used as night fighters. I never heard anything about this before, anyone have any more info on it?
Hi !!!
According to Squadron/Signal publications nr.78 and polish publications TBU nr.25 and 92 ,night fighter YAK7B/PVO (anti-aircraft defence) was equiped with RPK-10 radio-compass,electrical illuminated gunsight, a light for night landing and electrically powered undercarriage position indicator lights.Besides,RSI-4 radio-set and a kind of radio-localizator were installed on it. The rest of its equipment was like Yak 7B standard. The Yak 7B/PVO night fighters were used during the defence of Moscow.Although, I haven't found any picture of the Yak 7B/PVO yet,it seems that the camouflage of Yak7B was like the russian daily scheme.
Hi !!!
There is a photo of Yak-7b (later version) in the foreground, in the background we can see Yak-7B early production serie.Both planes served in 12Guard Figter Regiment of 6 Figter Corps of Anti-air Defence during defence of Moscow in 1942. The colour scheme presents Yak-7B from 169 Figter Regiment with a standart camouflage.


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