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  • Can't say I have.. so many, but a lot of b*tches haha. College has been great, a lot of work and stuff to do. I've adapted well and it's nothing like the movies make it out to be. Good news tho.. went home and saw my models and realized I was missing a piece of me so I moved everything into the dorm and bought a new table! The factory is set up and I bought a 1/48 dauntless and some others to work on up here! I can't commit like I used to but it's going. Will sure have pics when they start getting done. Got revells 1/48 b-29 for a holiday break kit for back home also -
    Thanks Terry, may give it a go then.

    Since the Stug is done and the P-51B is on the side till I get more paint, I'll probably have the room.
    Hi T,

    hope I'm not being a bother but, do you think I should do a Do-17 for the GB? The instructions are extremely confusing and I'm just not sure about it. Thanks!
    Hey Terry, I think I've decided to join the Cold War group build. Do I just make a posting under that heading to start?
    Thought it must be something along those lines. It's great to have a group of knowledgable people who don't mind having a bit of fun too. After all it is a HOBBY !!!
    I see, they sound like they're good to deal with just from what I heard on the forum! Probably will get these.
    Hannat's lowered the price once I made an account to view postage and it says theres no postage so if so I'm real happy...!
    :lol: I think you'll like it. It for fixing deep cuts in the wing that may take a chunk out and for refilling it. Not for gaps, I used the talc, future mix. Works damned well!
    Hi Terry,

    I talked to the guy who runs my LHS and he taught me a trick. I'm going to post it in my thread. I think its pretty cool. Using plastic and extra thin cement :D
    Yeah when I start working agian at the end of the month may get one. Heard tons about them and seems like it'd be worth having. Ah we'll see what kind of money situation I'm in then :lol:
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