**** DONE: GB-57 1/48 Bf 109G-6, Finland - WW2 Foreign Service

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Chief Master Sergeant
Jan 18, 2011
Username: le_steph40
First name: Steph
Category: Advanced
Manufacturer: Hasegawa JT48
Model: Messerschmitt Bf 109G-14 (=> G-6)
Scale: 1/48
Add-on: Eduard PE seatbelts, decals from spare box and some scratch build.

The kit

In the box here
The subject will be a Bf 109G-6 coded MT-419 (WNr.412131) belonging to 3/HLeLv 34 flown by Finnish Ace Olli Puhakka during May and June 1944.
I didn't find any photos of this aircraft, so I modified an illustration found on the web for the "rendition"
Puhakka O.-Bf109G6, MT-419.jpg

This aircraft was equipped with a tall tail, a standard canopy with Galland armor, and, was an Erla manufactured aircraft, so probably with the typical camo scheme on the wings and the horizontal stabilizer and equipped with the typical starboard side engine hood (with the compressor fairing and intake scoop under the MG131 fairing).
Nice Steph ! :thumbright:

However I'm not sure about the tall tail. All Finnish G-6s with the numbers 41* - 420 seem to have the standard tail.
Yes that's correct all Bf 109 with the numbers more than 420 had the tall tails. There are pics of the MT-421, 423, 425, and a couple more with them clearly notice. But those with the numbers MT-40* to 420 seems to have the standard tails. I'm not saying I'm correct but just have still doubts.




the source: the net.
Wojtek, my assumption is based on the original Werknummer, not on the Finnish serials. The example I gave 412122 is an earlier Werknummer (before 412131) and has the tall tail. Since the Werknummer shows (pretty much) the order of manufacturing/production, an a/c with a WNr only 9 positions after the one on the photo could be exactly the same. I might check more photos and look for a/c from the same block (from all nations) as a proof. The Finnish serials do not follow the original WNr.
From the magazine AVIONS HS08 "Les Bf 109 Finlandais" by Kari Stenman et Kalavi Keskinen, writen on page 3.
"The tall tail is present on the MT-403, 404, 405, 409, 414, 415, from 417 to 435, from 438 to 444, 446, 447, 449, from 454 to 460, 463, 464, from 469 to 472, 475, 476, 478, 480, 481, 485, 491, 499, 504 and 511. Some of them were later reequipped with the standard tail"
Wojtek, my assumption is based on the original Werknummer, not on the Finnish serials. The example I gave 412122 is an earlier Werknummer (before 412131) and has the tall tail. Since the Werknummer shows (pretty much) the order of manufacturing/production, an a/c with a WNr only 9 positions after the one on the photo could be exactly the same. I might check more photos and look for a/c from the same block (from all nations) as a proof. The Finnish serials do not follow the original WNr.

Also true. And yor assumption is absolutely correct. The G-6 in the pic above belonged to the 411*** batch mostly as memo serves. But as Steph mentioned above the changings were there. Anyway , without a pic it is difficult to state.
Hi Steph,
I have a question about the camouflage of the fuselage as shown on the color profile.
This G6 was built by Erla, and it is known that at that time Erla painted regular round spots on the sides of the fuselages, so not at all like what is shown in the illustration, I would rather see spots as on the MT-408 of which you put the photo above.
They look like Erla style dots but they must have been a bit overloaded.
What do you think of this?
Hello Pascal,
You're right regarding the camo scheme on the profile. This profile I posted on the thread is a modified one. I found a profile of a Finnish G-6 on the web and I only modified the code to MT-419 and added the "yellow 9" on the tail. As you noticed, the camo is a wrong camo for my project.
MT-408 is also an Erla machine WNr.411728 delivered during mid-March 1944. My project was delivered early in April 1944. I think to apply this kind of camo scheme on my project.

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