**** DONE: GB-59 1/48 Nakajima Ki-84 - WW2 PTO V

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Nov 16, 2008
Username: Crimea River
First name: Andy
Category: Judge – Non competing
Scale: 1/48
Manufacturer: Tamiya
Model Type: "Hayate & Kurogane"
Aftermarket addons: None planned

As mentioned in the recent purchases thread some 2 months ago, I made a bit of an impulse buy in June, knowing that I needed something for this PTO Group Build. I always like to give my local brick and mortar shops a chance to supply my needs and when I saw the below Tamiya Ki-84 in a sexy new box that suggested their recent P-38 and Ki-61 quality, I packed it under my arm and went to the checkout thinking that it was another of Tamiya's more recent new-tool wonders. The price was what is now the norm around here for a 1/48 Tammy kit, $65 CDN, which is still competitive when compared to the cost of buying from overseas, exchange rates, and shipping.

Well, when I got home and opened the box, I was disappointed to see just two, count 'em, TWO very basic sprues and one small clear sprue for the aircraft and a throw-in sprue for the Kurogane vehicle. Also included, in an attempt to justify the price, was a plastic base and a horrid felt matt that is supposed to look like grass. So it was off to the Scalemates website (something I should have done while I was at the store) to see what I got myself into and, sure enough, the moulds for the plane go back to 1972! I've learned my lesson and will do my research before I buy next time.

Anyway, I know some of you guys built this kit already and that, despite its simplicity, it can result in a decent model. Here are sprues:


At this point, I really don't know what scheme I will do and having read through Geo's recent build, I'm now aware of the need to wade through worm cans for interior and exterior colours. I'm not sure when I will start this model as I want to devote my attention to finishing my GB-58 project so that I don't end up with yet another incomplete kit staring at me.

If I can figure out what colour I'm supposed to paint the interior then I may be able to slap the fuselage together in short order though.
So anyone want to take a stab at what the cockpit colour should be? Or will it depend on the scheme I chose? I heard the seat can be red oxide or light grey.
According to a couple of books for the plane, the cockpit and the interior was painted with a clear protective coat initially. But sometimes it could be of the greenish hue, blue-green or khaki. The indicator panel was of the same colour the rest of the cockpit interior and could be of the black, khaki, grey, green or dark blue-green. From 1944, painting of any kind was more and more often abandoned including the cockpit interior. So the cockpit and interior colours depended on when the aircraft was built.
Thank-you kind sir. Sounds like I need to find a coin to flip.

No problemo. Also you may have a look at the thread and Shinpachi's post ...

Not ignoring this build but still researching a scheme that I want to do. Tamiya offers 4 schemes but 2 are bogus. One has the running hare motif supposedly attributed to "Staff Sergeant Joten Naito" but it's authenticity is suspect. See Nakajima Ki-84 "Hayate" (Frank) - Decals and markings pt. 3 - 1 Rensei Hikotai . The other is an all NMF scheme but the actual aircraft, an Otsu model, carried the fuselage 20mm cannons and the moulds don't support the different gun exhausts associated with that model. The third scheme is one that Geo already did a great job on and I don't want to do it again. The fourth is the white 46, a/c serial 1446 that survived the war and is also commonly modelled. Plenty of pics of this last one but given that the kit is so rudimentary, I want to tackle something that will challenge the paint skills rather than focus on details so I'm still on the lookout. One that is intriguing is this one on this decal set by Empire City decals:

Sooooo.....that light olivey colour on the mid fuselage. Anyone care to guess what that is? And don't say a light olivey colour!

Damn, I wish I had colour pics.....
In my 2 previous builds i just copied Wayne's build in one of the earlier gb's !
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