spitfire FR IX "pink" father daughter build

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here's some pics of the ITALERI 1/48 spitfires my daughter and i are building together inspired by the wonderfull effort Matts son made of his P-40

the top pic is my daughter Aprils cockpit then mine

then Aprils spitfire with cockpit installed and wings attached then mine in the same state


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Great stuff April and Karl! Is this April's first model? Very good work, get her signed-up for the next Group Build mate!
Nice work Karl, April's a talented modeller! Both builds are looking good! 8)
Nice! I can see paps did some gap filling on the wings, trying to stay ahead in the competition? :D Good builds so far!
Inspiring. I've got 1 yr old twin girls and was thinking that they wouldn't get the modeling bug but now I have hope. There's another one in the oven. Lets hope that one has a penis!
ok did a bit more !
aprils spitfire first then mine !!!


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Nice work on both Karl. April's is exceptionally neat and well done, especially for a first model. Great stuff!

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